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Share your clinic information below and we'll send FODZYME samples and educational materials to you. US only.


Note that we do not send samples to patients directly. For patients seen virtually or who are looking to place a first-order with us, share the code TRYFODZYME23 so they can take advantage of our generous $23 first-order discount. All first-orders come with a risk-free refund guarantee and free onboarding call with a FODZYME expert. 

~90% of fructan is degraded with FODZYME

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Read our research brief to learn:
  • How enzymes improve upon the traditional approach to FODMAP restriction
  • Guidelines on how to integrate enzymes into patient care
  • The efficacy of FODZYME at FODMAP break down

Top Healthcare Providers Recommend FODZYME

Gastroenterologists ● Registered Dietitians ● Nurses ● Primary Care Physicians

"Not only do I suggest FODZYME as a tool for my clients to boost food variety and reduce 'FODMAP Fatigue.' I also use it to manage my own digestive distress to enjoy the foods I love!"


"For my patients struggling with fodmap sensitivities, especially to fructans, GOS and lactose, FODZYME has been a god-send.

Anecdotally, patients have described being about to eat outside the home with significantly more ease and enjoyment, and has allowed some to start cooking with onion and garlic again."


Nancee Jaffe, RD, MS
Nancee Jaffe, MS, RD

"The best compliment I get from my patients is when they finally have freedom to eat what they love. With FODZYME, my patients have been enjoying high-fiber meals that are painless and make them feel good.”

“As an IBS and FODMAP dietitian with clients worldwide, I cannot recommend FODZYME enough.

This remarkable digestive enzyme is specifically tailored for breaking down FODMAPs in foods, offering my clients a much-needed solution to uncomfortable, occasional stomach symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea.

FODZYME provides a huge dose of peace of mind when dining out or enjoying meals prepared by others. Finally, a trustworthy option in the sea of confusing digestive enzymes – FODZYME truly stands out as a game-changer for those struggling with FODMAP Intolerances.

Questions? Contact us

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