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Get Your Patients Started with FODZYME

Help patients unlock dietary freedom and enjoy the high FODMAP foods they love — free of stress and worry about digestive symptoms

FODZYME Provides Relief from FODMAP-Related Symptoms:

Bloating and Gas


Abdominal Discomfort


Active Ingredients in FODZYME:
fructan hydrolase, lactase, alpha-galactosidase

Which Patients Benefit from FODZYME?

All who are sensitive to garlic, onion, wheat, legumes, dairy and other foods high in the FODMAPs fructan, GOS and lactose can benefit from FODZYME.

Examples of patients who use FODZYME to manage digestive issues:

Uninterested in following low FODMAP diet and looking to expand options 
Already on a restrictive diet or with another contraindication for a low FODMAP diet
History of or at risk for developing an eating disorder or disordered eating
Frustrated with eating low FODMAP or with anxiety and fear around diet expansion

Help Patients Try FODZYME

Share discounts and samples with patients. All first-orders come with a risk-free guarantee and free onboarding call with a FODZYME expert.

FODZYME Digestive enzymes

Do you see patients virtually?

All first-orders come with a risk-free refund guarantee and free onboarding call with a FODZYME expert. Share the code TRYFODZYME23 with patients new to FODZYME so they can take advantage of our generous $23 first-order discount:


Do you see patients in person?

We'll send samples and handouts to your clinic to share with your patients. All samples include a discount code for patients to use when placing their first order. Request samples and materials for your practice here:

FZ- Stick Pack - Pocket-1

Do you use Fullscript?

Recommend FODZYME to your patients on Fullscript and streamline your referral process. Log in or create a free account and search for FODZYME.

FODZYME helps patients enjoy many healthy, nutritious and delicious foods — without worry of symptoms
Foods FZ works on

** FODZYME® significantly reduces fructan (a FODMAP) in wheat, barley and rye products, not gluten. Fructan is often the real trigger in individuals with non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

FODZYME helps patients enjoy a long list of healthy, nutritious and delicious foods — without worry of symptoms
Foods FZ works on mobile

** FODZYME® significantly reduces fructan (a FODMAP) in wheat, barley and rye products, not gluten. Fructan is often the real trigger in individuals with non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Quick Start Guide
Mix directly or apply evenly on all meals and large snacks.
Can’t mix?
Sprinkle and chew with first bite.
Allow hot foods to cool slightly before sprinkling.
Double dosage if extra sensitive or for large meals.

This is the same guide we send all patients with their first order

Frequently asked questions

Help your patients find digestive relief with FODZYME. We're here to support you.

Who is FODZYME for?

FODZYME is for patients who are sensitive to foods that contain the FODMAPs fructan, GOS, and/or lactose.

FODZYME does not target specific conditions — rather, FODZYME's enzymes break down FODMAPs in food before they can trigger discomfort.

FODZYME helps manage digestive issues like gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.


What FODMAPs does FODZYME work on?

FODZYME breaks down fructans, GOS/Galactans and lactose found in many common foods and dishes. Some examples:

  • Fructan: Onions, garlic, scallion, shallot, leek, wheat, barley, rye, spelt, inulin, FOS, artichoke, grapefruit, Brussels sprouts, dried fruit, beets, Savoy cabbage
  • GOS/Galactans: Beans, beets, lentils, chickpeas, falafel, hummus, soymilk, soybeans, soft tofu, peas, cashews, pistachios, kale, taro, tomatillo, almond meal
  • Lactose: Milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, soft cheeses (ricotta, cottage, paneer, etc), yogurt, kefir, pudding, custard, condensed milk
How would patients use FODZYME?

FODZYME is added directly to food. FODZYME's enzyme blend is a fine, tasteless powder that is mixed into a high FODMAP dish or applied to the first few bites of food just before eating.

We encourage patients to chew well when using FODZYME, which facilitates maximum contact between the FODMAPs and the enzymes.

Do you offer patient discounts?

Yes. As a clinician, you can offer your patients a $23 discount on their first order on our website. Just have them use the code TRYFODZYME23 at checkout.


Where is FODZYME available?

In the US, FODZYME is available on our website, Amazon and through Fullscript. 

For more on our International availability head to our International FAQ.